Extreme Environments
This blog will serve as a way for me to share pictures I and others have taken of the diversity of life in the extreme environments I have experienced and of places I wish to visit. My motivations regarding this can be found on the post "Extreme Environments" on my other blog "Ericaceaesd" available via blogger. I hope you all enjoy. I will try to post a new photo at least once a day.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Soda Springs
I spent the first 18 years of my life, and on and off there after, living in a small Idaho town called Soda Springs. Now as far as I know, unlike a lot of other town names, there are only two Soda Springs in America: the one I grew up in and a small skiing town near Truckee, California. I went there once, and was surprised two learn that I grew up in the more populated of the Soda Springs.
As the name suggests, Soda has a lot of springs. My friend Matt in a previous comment on my other blog refers to this place as Beer Springs, the original place name and also a lost spring somewhere in the valley. There are several other springs including Steamboat Springs (now underwater), Mammoth Spring, Formation Spring, Octogon Springs, and Lover’s Delight. There was actually a commercial bottling company at a place west of town called “90 percent”. The “Idanha Mineral Water Company” featured the water at a St. Louis World’s Fair as a snake-oil-like cure all.
The most popular, and arguably safest, spring is called Hooper Springs. Below are some photos I took the other day.